Now that you have mastered the essentials of programming, it’s time to dive deeper. In Web Basics II, you’ll learn the basics of JavaScript, the most popular programming language. Then, you will learn about databases and SQL, a popular back-end language, and work on some more GitHub. Finally, you’ll apply that knowledge in the final project for Web Basics.
Check out the course outline below, and use it to keep yourself on pace as the class progresses.
Course Calendar
Week 1 – Beginning JavaScript | Functions | Numbers
Week 2 – Loops | Arrays | Objects
Week 3 – Additional JavaScript exercises
Week 4 – JavaScript and the DOM | CSS Selectors
Week 5 – DOM Scripting
Week 6 – Build
Beginning JavaScript Track
The Beginning JavaScript track teaches the fundamentals of the most commonly-used programming language. You might recognize some of the concepts here from the Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation pre-work. So, breathe a sigh of relief – you’ve got this.
1.1 JavaScript Bascis
1.2 JavaScript Numbers
1.3 JavaScript Functions
1.4 JavaScript Loops, Arrays, and Objects
1.5 The Landscape of JavaScript
1.6 JavaScript and the DOM
Text: What You need to Know About CSS Selectors
SQL Basics
SQL is the standard relational database language, and is used by a wide variety of apps and organizations. If you choose the Back End track next, you’ll take a much deeper look at SQL.
2.1 SQL Basics
GitHub, Continued
Now, back to GitHub. You’ve already learned the basics of Git and about how to save your work in GitHub, the following lesson will teach you how to use branches in Git for both local development and collaborate work.
Web Basics II Final Project