Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final part of Code the Dream’s Ruby on Rails course – Rails Development. In this course, you’ll dive into Rails, a popular framework for Ruby.
Below is schedule and overview of the course, followed by a syllabus. Click on the link for each week to view the assignment for that week.
Course Schedule
Week 1 04/06/2020 – Introduction and Rails Basics
Week 2 04/13/2020 – Rails Basics | Rails Routes & Resources
Week 3 04/20/2020 – Rails Troubleshooting | Active Record Associations
Week 4 04/27/2020 – Validations | Error Processing | Byebug | Messages to the User | Testing with Rspec
Week 5 05/04/2020 – A summary lesson on Rails concepts to this point
Week 6 05/11/2020 – Styling with Bootstrap
Weeks 7, 8, 9 5/18/2020 through 6/5/2020 – Final Project!!
Course Overview
1.1. Rails Application Walkthrough
1.2 Ruby on Rails Scaffolding
Rails Development
In this Treehouse track, you’ll learn how to build web apps in Rails. Since you’ve already learned some of the concepts in this track, pay attention to which classes we want you to take and which ones you can skip.
2.1 Before You Start Ruby on Rails
2.2 Ruby on Rails 5 Basics
2.3 Rails Routes and Resources
2.4 Important Related Topics
2.4 Troubleshooting a Rails Application
2.5 Active Record Association in Rails
2.6 Validations and Error Handing; Byebug
2.7 Testing with Rspec
2.8 A Summary Lesson
2.9 Styling with Bootstrap
2.10 Adding Bootstrap to a Rails Application
Intro to JavaScript — deferred.
By now you should have a strong foundation in Ruby. But every web development programmer should have a basic understanding of JavaScript, the most popular programming language. Unfortunately we did not have time to cover this in this course sequence, but you are encouraged to do the following Treehouse courses as self study or in a course to follow.
3.1 JavaScript Basics
3.2 JavaScript Numbers
3.3 JavaScript Functions