Welcome to Midnight Train, the extended learning practicum for Code the Dream’s 2019-2020 Ruby on Rails students. This page is your main hub for information, Treehouse tracks, and course materials for the practicum.
Practicum Overview
This practicum will consist of 3 weeks of JavaScript learning through Treehouse, followed by 10 weeks of project-based learning.
To start, complete Treehouse’s Beginning JavaScript track.
Complete also the following classes on git.
1.9 Introduction to Git
1.10 Git Branches and Merging
Git Recommendations for Exercises
We will be using git in a new pattern, involving pull requests and merges. The recommendations are described here.
Assignment for Week of 6/15
To accept the assignment, click on this link. That will take you to a github classroom and create a git repository for you. You clone this repository to your workstation to begin working on your assignment. One of the assignments recommends that you clone with a URL that starts with git (ssh) but I recommend that you use https. You would do this assignment after completing the JavaScript Basics, Numbers, and Functions class videos described above. Note to Windows users: To do this assignment, you must have node.js installed. You can either install it under windows, or use the one already installed in your Vagrant environment. You do not need to complete this lesson this week.
Assignment for Week of 6/22
To accept this assignment, click on this link. That will take you again to the github classrom. You would do this assignment after completing the JavaScript courses up through JavaScript and the DOM. You do not need to complete the lesson this week. Hint for Question 3: calculate_sphere should do the computations, put the results in the corresponding fields, and then return false.
Assignment for Week of 6/29
Complete the previous assignments, and go through the Treehouse classes on DOM Scripting by Example and the two Git classes. We will divide up into teams and get ready for our two development projects.
Midnight Train Git Workflow
These projects are not open source, and therefore we will not use forks. Instead we will use feature branches and two protected branches, those being master and development. The process we will use is described here.
Midnight Train Project 1
This will be Warren County Farm to Consumer, as described here.
Midnight Train Project 2
This will be a documentation and resources site for the Coder Alliance for Racial Equity, as described here.