Learning Objectives
- Semantic markup
- Formatting page content
- Understanding file paths
- Displaying images
- Inline vs. block level elements
- Forms
- Input elements
- Select menus
- Radio buttons
- Checkboxes
- Video element
- Audio element
- Custom media players
If you are using Odin as your primary learning materials, please go to each link in this list and read through the content on that page. If there are links you are redirected to as you read/work through the content, follow those links as well and read the content there also.
- The Odin Project – Introduction to HTML and CSS
- The Odin Project – Elements and Tags
- The Odin Project – HTML Boilerplate
- The Odin Project – Working with Text
- The Odin Project – Lists
- The Odin Project – Links and Images
If you are using Treehouse as your primary learning materials, please go through the following courses in treehouse:
- HTML Basics (183 mins)
- OPTIONAL: HTML Video and Audio (79 mins)
Coding Assignment
This week you will be converting your plain text into real HTML code! Here are the instructions for this lesson:
If you get stuck, check out this HTML tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
Mindset Assignment
For many, failure has become deeply engrained in us as something to avoid. And for that reason, as you’re learning to code, you may find that your gut response to bright red error messages or long stack traces is one of fear, anger, or frustration. But we’ll let you in on a little secret—those error messages and stack traces are a gift. (And they’re the key to learning!)
There’s no faster way to learn than to experiment often. Try your code out incrementally as you work on it and see what is or is not working the way you expect! Then put your budding debugging skills to work and figure out what’s going on. If you spend all of your time worrying about making your code perfect before running it, chances are you’ve waited too long. If you don’t believe us, here’s a testimonial on the power of learning from failure from one of the co-founders of Stack Overflow.
Every time you encounter an error or failure is another time you have discovered what doesn’t work. That’s valuable information!
– Think of an example of something you have done in your life that you failed at multiple times before you got it—doesn’t have to be coding-related, maybe a sports play, a piece on a musical instrument, or a video game level. How did you keep yourself motivated to keep trying?
– Have you witnessed others learn from failures and then succeed? What strategies have they used?
When you’ve completed your Coding Assignment, and have read and thought about the mindset questions above, submit ALL of your assignments (link to your pull request on GitHub and mindset) using the Homework Assignment Submission Form.
Additional Learning Opportunities
We strongly encourage you to keep practicing your JavaScript skills this week and next while we are learning HTML, feel free to try out these challenges: CTD-JavaScript Challenges courtesy of mentor Shawn Clary