Welcome to the second week of Front End II, we will be working on fetching data & creating routes.
- Context API | How context works | Create context | Provider and consumer
- Declaring routes | Navigating between routes | Nesting routes | URL parameters | 404 error routes | Changing routes pro-grammatically
- React 16
- Methods for fetching external data in React | How to display data in your app
- Creating a production build | Deploy to GitHub pages | Deploy to Now | Deploy to Netlify
Front End II Section 2 Goals
- Understand React data flow
- Getting started with React Router | Navigating, nesting and redirecting routes | Going further with routing
- Take control of errors with componentdDidCatch() | Catch errors with error boundaries | Render children into other Dom Nodes with Portals | Return null from setState
- Fetching data with the Fetch API | Fetching data with Axios
- Deploy a React App
This is your curriculum for Front End II.
3.4 React Context
3.5 React Router 4
3.6 React 16
3.7 Data Fetching
3.8 Deploying a React App
You have no additional assignments for this section. Practice what you’ve learned and try and weave it into your section 1 assignment.