Welcome to Front End 1, the first class in our Front End development track.
Below is a quick outline containing the class timeline followed by a Course Overview links to each Treehouse library course or CTD supplemental course. Remember to keep pace with the mentor groups, and don’t hesitate to ask lots of questions. This is just the beginning, and it’s ok to get stuck!
Course Calendar
Weekly Schedule
Section 1 – Debugging with CSS, CSS layouts
Section 2 – Advanced HTML & CSS, CSS selectors, Bootstrap 4 basics
Section 3 – HTML tables, HTML video & audio, Media-player, Intro to FE optimization
Section 4 – AJAX basics, ASync JavaScript, Working with Fetch
Section 5 – Object-oriented JavaScript, Web Accessibility Compliance, Web optimization
Course Overview
1.1 First Mentor Session & Overview
It’s syllabus day. Use the first mentor session to get to know your mentor and fellow classmates. Also, take some time to watch this video on how to beat Imposter Syndrome.
1.2 Machine Setup and Initial Lesson
You will need to have your machine set up with a code editor and a Git client. Please follow the instructions for this lesson here: Machine setup for first lesson.
This is your curriculum for Front End I
2.1 Intro to Git
2.2 Intro to Terminal
2.3 Introduction to HTML & CSS
2.3 CSS Basics
2.4 Debugging CSS with Chrome Dev tools
2.5 CSS Layout Basics
2.6 Responsive Layouts
2.7 CSS Flexbox Layout
2.8 HTML Forms
2.9 CSS Selectors
2.10 Bootstrap Basics
2.11 HTML Tables
2.12 HTML Video and Audio
2.13 Create Media Player
2.14 AJAX Basics
2.15 Async Javascript
2.16 Fetch API
2.17 Object-Oriented Javascript
2.18 Web Accessibility
2.19 Website Optimization
What You Will Be Learning
Front End Development
The Front End Development Track covers the principle front-end development skills needed to prepare you for a career in building user interfaces, websites, and user experiences that delight users. These skills include advanced HTML, CSS, and javascript
Please see the corresponding week’s web-page to get that week’s starter repository and assignment instructions.