Welcome to Back End I, the first class in our Back End development track.
Below is a quick outline containing class timeline by a Course Overview links to each
Treehouse library course or CTD supplemental course. Remember to keep pace with the
mentor groups, and don’t hesitate to ask lots of questions. This is just the beginning, and it’s ok to get stuck!
Before You Begin
Please set up your machines for Ruby and Rails development, as described Here.
Course Calendar
Weekly Schedule
Week 1 – SQL Basics
Week 2 – More SQL, Introduction to Ruby
Week 3 – Ruby
Week 4 – Ruby II
Week 5 – Ruby III
Week 6 – Ruby & Sinatra
Course Overview
This is your curriculum for Back End I
2.0 SQL Basics
2.1 Modifying Data with SQL
2.2 Reporting with SQL
2.3 Querying Relational Databases
2.4 Ruby Basics
2.5 Ruby Collections
2.6 Ruby Loops
2.7 Ruby Objects and Classes
2.8 Ruby Blocks
2.9 Build an Address Book in Ruby
2.10 Ruby Modules
2.11 Ruby Enumerable
2.12 Ruby Core and Standard Library
2.13 Ruby Gems
2.14 Ruby Sinatra
2.15 Sinatra Project
What You Will Be Learning
Back End Development
The Back End Development Track covers the principle Back-End development skills needed to
prepare you for a career in web development, with a focus on the back end. The back end is the engine that serves up the web pages, responds to the web APIs, and communicates with the database. There are a variety of frameworks for back end development, but in this class series we will use the Rails framework, which relies on the Ruby language.
Back End 1 focuses on the basics of SQL, Ruby, and simplified web hosting using Sinatra. It is necessary preparation for Back End 2.
Skills to be learned include SQL database communication, hosting web pages, responding to get, post, update, and delete requests, and customizing dynamic web pages.
For the following assignments, you will have a starter git repository, with a README.md that gives detailed instructions for the assignment.